JJJMadness on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/jjjmadness/art/Here-comes-the-Jestordon-618478102JJJMadness

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JJJMadness's avatar

Here comes the Jestordon



JJJ-Look up in the sky, is it a bird, is a plane, is it a flying rainbow cat, NO IT'S THE JESTORODON! He just a regular pterawithdon who went through a terrible divorce, and was fire from his job was just warding around, out of a Job, with no food, money or home to live.

Random person- Why would a pterodon need money for a home and for that matter, how the heck could a dinosaur have a job?

JJJ-Shut up or i'll slit your throat. Anyways this guy was out of a job but was hired at a dino circus and now he goes 
flying around and entertain children! Sure the pay is terrible and and he constantly keep faking a smile in front his audience all the time, and hide the fact that he really a broken alcoholic depress wreck who constantly being  reminded how pathetic his life is, all the while making everyone else more happier then he will ever be. But hey i'm sure he's just fine, isn't that right Jestorodon!

Jestorodon-I hate my f#*%king life.

JJJ-See he's fine!  

Side Notes- Now I really have to thank 
TheDubstepAddict for this, he really gave me a neat idea to make (though the whole clown thing was all me) and I have to also say sorry taking so long to finish, the reason it took far too long to finish was because I wanted to do much more with this picture but I was running out of time so I settle with this.
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dovewing379's avatar
Haha love to extra info on this guy :D